Our Services

Care Management Services
- Conduct a comprehensive assessment
- Evaluate options, with a focus on safety and environmental issues
- Develop, coordinate and implement a professional Care Plan
- Help select an appropriate placement and assist with the admissions process and move in the event that home care is no longer appropriate.
Function as the “point person” for all requests, problems, concerns and needs
Address quality-of-life issues
Hold family meetings to support optimal decision-making and family involvement
Conduct home safety inspections
Offer ongoing coaching to support family caregivers
Make home visits to supervise home care, and to assess client’s medical status
Advocate to represent the client’s best interest and to make certain the senior living community is following protocol.

Health Services
- Coordinate medical care among physicians
- Meet with discharge planners to design modifications to the Care Plan
- Accompany clients to physician appointments and report findings to family members
- Supervise medications
- Manage specific chronic diseases, such as Diabetes, MS, Parkinson’s disease
and dementia - Review treatment plans
- Make referrals for physician specialists, physical therapists, adult day
services, durable medical equipment companies, etc.

Financial Services
- Identify benefits to which the client is entitled
- Coordinate the payment of insurance benefits, Medicare and entitlements
- Manage costs in order to provide care that is economically feasible
- Make referrals for elder law attorneys, financial planners, etc.
We would love to work with you.